Piano Tuning

Piano Tuning in Tasmania


Prices start from $260 plus GST and a piano tune takes around 1.5 hours to complete. Minor repairs and regulation are undertaken during this time. Pianos need to be tuned regularly. Strating Pianos recommends having pianos tuned at least once a year and twice a year for pianos that get a lot of use.

There are many factors that influence how well a piano stays in tune but two that are possible to control in your house are temperature and humidity. Keeping an upright against an internal wall or well insulated outer wall away from direct sunlight is recommended. Strating Pianos can give you advice on how to manage this in your home.

Tuning a piano is not like tuning a guitar or other stringed instruments. Not only does a piano have about 230 strings, it also has much higher string tensions. In a concert grand, one bass string can have as much as 200kg of string tension – no wonder concert grands are faced away from the audience! All these individual string tensions combined means a piano can have a combined tension of between 20 and 30 tonne! Pianos can go in and out of tune when this tension changes. Keeping a piano at pitch is about having this tension stable.

Strating Pianos recommends having pianos tuned at concert pitch. The international standard is A440. If your piano is well under this pitch, you may need to have the piano pitch raised. There are risks involved in this process and sometimes pianos need to be tuned to a lower pitch. Strating Pianos will talk you through the options before starting work.

Piano tuning


Minor repairs can be done at the same time as a tune.

More complicated repairs that require specialty equipment will require the action to be removed and brought back to the Strating Pianos workshop.

Customers will always be given a quote before work is started.

Contact Us

Alistair Strating

3 Eiger Court, Grindelwald

Tasmania, 7277



Schedule an appointment

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Call: 0439 912 676
Email: alistair.strating@gmail.com
Message: m.me/StratingPianos